Staying Safe from Rabies: 10 Simple Steps


When it comes to rabies, a potentially deadly disease, it's crucial to act fast and stay informed. Here are 10 easy-to-understand tips, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), to protect yourself or a loved one if you suspect exposure to rabies.

10 Simple Steps:

1. Clean and Disinfect Wounds Immediately: If you get a bite or scratch from an animal, wash the wound with soap and water for 15 minutes. Then, disinfect it to prevent infection.

Step 1: Clean and Disinfect Wounds Immediately

2. Seek Rabies Post-Exposure Prevention (PEP) Right Away: Don't wait! PEP includes getting a rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin. This treatment should start immediately after exposure.

Step 2: Seek Rabies Post-Exposure Prevention (PEP) Right Away

3. Follow Proven Vaccine Regimens: Make sure you're getting the right vaccine and follow the recommended administration routes for your safety.

Step 3: Follow Proven Vaccine Regimens

4. No Contraindications for Post-Exposure Prevention: PEP is safe even during pregnancy or infancy. There are no reasons to delay it.

Step 4: No Contraindications for Post-Exposure Prevention

5. Delay in Getting Immunoglobulin: If you can't get rabies immunoglobulin on your first visit, it can be delayed for up to 7 days after the first vaccine dose.

Step 5: Delay in Getting Immunoglobulin

6. Don't Wait for Lab Results: If you suspect rabies exposure, don't wait for lab results or observe the animal. Start PEP right away.

Step 6: Don't Wait for Lab Results

7. Expert Risk Assessment: In some areas where rabies is rare, experts may decide that PEP isn't necessary for certain animal contacts, excluding bats. Trust their judgment.

Step 7: Expert Risk Assessment

8. Time Doesn't Matter: Even if it's been months since the animal bite, treat it as if it just happened when seeking PEP.

Step 8: Time Doesn't Matter

9. No Need to Test the Animal: You don't have to wait for animal test results. Administer PEP anyway, unless the animal is a vaccinated dog, cat, or ferret that remains healthy for 10 days or is confirmed rabies-free by a WHO-prescribed test.

Step 9: No Need to Test the Animal

10. Act Fast in Rabies-Prone Areas: If you live in an area where rabies is common in dogs or wildlife, start PEP immediately. Don't wait for confirmation; your safety is the top priority.

Step 10: Act Fast in Rabies-Prone Areas

Remember, rabies is a serious disease, but following these simple steps can make a big difference in protecting yourself or someone you care about. Stay safe, act quickly, and always seek medical advice in case of potential rabies exposure.

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