Health care of rabbit


Health care of rabbit

For productive & efficient rabbit keeping, health care is one of the important aspects of rabbit management.

Detection of disease: - 

To recognise sick individuals the following conditions should be noted.

1. Animal movement: -Healthy individuals will make easy, free and pleasant movements. While resting there will be no huddling. Dullness, difficult breathing and stiffy movements indicate sickness.

2. Eyes: - Sunken, dull, depressed and discharge from eyes exhibits illness.

3. Coat: - Patches of hair loss, dull colour, wrinkles, loose folds of skin are sign of infections.

4. Pulse and temperature: - Elevated or lowered pulse than 140 to 150/min. & body temperature of 38°C and above are important symptoms of diseases.

5. Feed and water intake: - Off feed or reduced feed intake is one of the most important signs of disease. In some serious infections animals may even stop drinking water also.

6. Faeces: - Pelleted with black colour are normal faeces. More soft, watery, too hard with change in colour like white, reddish etc. indicates disease emergence.

7. Discharges: - Any abnormal discharge from eyes, nostril, mouth, anus, teats and genitals will indicate illness.

8. Growth and weight: - Retarded or slow growth, underweight are indications of ill health.

9. Swelling and sores: - swelling on body and sores (damages) on skin are sign of sickness.

Disease prevention: - 

Effective management for prohibiting disease emergence involves the following precautions-

1. Purchasing rabbits from reliable breeder: - fresh stock should be purchased from known and reliable breeder having good health history.

2. Follow quarantine schedule: - Quarantine or isolation houses should be constructed and used for new animals suspected of infections and contagious diseases to control spread of infections.

3. Standard housing: - The houses must be constructed following high standards in respect of floor space, ventilation; to avoid old, dampness draft and insects.

4. Sanitation and hygiene: - Follow appropriate sanitation and hygiene measures to keep the environment germ free or with minimum possible low levels of microbes.

5. Immunization and medication programme: - adopt and advocate required vaccination depending on disease prevalence along with preventive medication.

6. Feeding care: - Follow quality, contamination free (microbes, toxins and anti-nutritional factors) feed and adequate feeding practices.

7. Timely isolation and treatment: - The sick individuals should be attended immediately to isolate and treat them effectively.

8. Disposal of dead animals: - Dead animals must be immediately removed and properly disposed of after postmortem and diagnosis of disease.

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