Different types of breeds of rabbits


There are many breeds of domestic rabbits in the world, and all have different qualities. There are 38 breeds and 87 varieties of rabbits which are recognised and well established worldwide. These breeds/varieties vary in color, size, type of hair coat and other characteristics.

Different breeds of rabbits:

Rabbit breeds for wool production: -

Angora rabbit is reared for wool production. It is usually white & albino but some coloured varieties have been developed for the utilization of colour wool. Normally the main demand of Angora wool is of white colour and long staple of uniform dying & processing.

The following strains/breeds of Angora rabbit are commonly being reared by Indian farms-

1. German Angora: - Origin Germany, wool yield 700-1000gm/year, white fine quality, 2-4% guard hair, adult body weight 3-4kg.

German Angora
German Angora

2. British Angora: - origin U.K., wool yield 400-600gm/year, white lustrous fine quality, guard hair 2-4%, adult body weight 2.5-4.5kg.

British Angora
British Angora

3. Russian Angora: - Origin Russia, 300-400gm/year, white, medium fine wool, 10-20% guard hair, body wt. 3.5-5.5kg

Russian Angora
Russian Angora


4. Crossbred Angora: - Origin India, well adapted to Indian conditions, wool yield 500-600gm/year, wool is white, medium fine, guard hair is of 4-8%, adult body wt. 3-5kg.

Crossbred Angora
Crossbred Angora

Rabbit breeds for meat/fur skin production: -

The most common breeds for this purpose are New Zealand white, White Californian, Soviet Chinchilla, Grey Giant, White Giant, Black Brown, Dutch, Argente Champagne etc. The adult body weight of these breeds ranges from 3-6kg in females & 2.5-5.5kg in males

Rabbit breeds for meat/fur skin production
Rabbit breeds for meat/fur skin production


The Rex and Satin breeds of rabbit are mainly raised for quality fur skin and meat production. In our country, at the CSWRI, Garsa (Kullu) the following meat breeds were experimented for meat & fur skin production.

Rex breed
Rex breed

Satin breed
Satin breed

I. New Zealand White- Imported from UK.

II. Soviet Chinchilla- Imported from Russia.

III. White Giant- Imported from Russia.

IV. Grey Giant- Imported from Russia.

These breeds after adaptation and production performance were sent for various research and development purposes in southern, western & eastern states of A.P, Karnataka, T.N, Kerala, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Assam.

Rabbit breeds for biological research and Laboratory purposes: -

New Zealand White, Californian, Dutch, Black Brown breeds are primarily being used.

Rabbit breeds for fancy/hobby purposes: -

The most important breeds under this class are Polish, Palmino, Havana, Beveren, New Zealand Red, English Spot white, Dutch etc. These animals are lighter in weight and very fancy to look.

Rabbit breeds for fancy/hobby purposes
Rabbit breeds for fancy/hobby purposes

Related Posts:

Common terms related to rabbits.

Health care of rabbit

Detail info about housing of Rabbit 

Selection, Breeding and Mating of Rabbits


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