Common terms related to rabbits


Rabbits are such wonderful creatures, aren't they? Well, they come with their own set of interesting words and phrases.

When it comes to our fluffy, long-eared friends, there's a whole world of fascinating terminology to explore. 

Whether you're a seasoned rabbit enthusiast or just starting to hop down the rabbit hole of bunny knowledge, understanding some common terms related to rabbits can make your interactions with these adorable creatures even more enriching. 

Common terms related to rabbits

In this po
st, we'll take a gentle stroll through the essential rabbit common terms, helping you connect with your furry companions on a whole new level. So, let's embark on this delightful journey and decode the language of rabbits together.

Common terms related to rabbit:

Doe: - A mature female rabbit used for breeding.

Buck: - A mature male rabbit used for breeding.

Kit: - A young rabbit whose eyes are not yet opened.

Bunny: - A young rabbit below 20 weeks of age.

Fryer: - 10 to 12 weeks old rabbit ready for market.

Roaster: - Culled rabbit.

Kindling: - Act of parturition.

Litter: - Kits born in a single kindling.

Weaner: - A newly weaned rabbit.

Fur: - Wool.

Pelt: - Skin.

Rabbitry: - Place where domesticated rabbits are kept.

Caecotrophy/Capropargy: - Consumption of own feceal matter.

Broiler: - Rabbits which grow very fast for meat purpose (2kg body

wt. In just 12 weeks).

Fostering: - Transfer of bunny/bunnies to another doe for nursing

usually due to death of original doe or abandoning of young rabbit.

Tattooing: - Identification marks put in the ear of rabbit with tattoo

ink and punch.

Cannibalism: - Eating of own bunnies by mother doe after kindling,

noted usually due to inadequate water supply to pregnant doe.

Nest box: - A wooden box to be kept in the cage of pregnant doe, 5-6

days prior to kindling.

Shearing: - Cutting wool from rabbit at an interval of 85-90 days.

When it grows to the length 4-6 cm.

Matting: - If shearing is not done in time, staple get entangled with

each other, which is called as matting.

 Rabbits are chiefly nocturnal, although they are sometimes seen in the daytime. They have acute senses of smell & hearing. They feed on wide variety of vegetation.

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Detail info about housing of Rabbit 

Selection, Breeding and Mating of Rabbits


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